Tension Viewer - Sarine钻石证书-4C标准钻石原石及光性能火彩新零售溯源技术珠宝趋势

Tension Viewer

 See better. Saw better. With advanced tension mapping for rough diamonds.

When cutting a rough diamond into separate parts, it is critical to avoid areas of tension. If a diamond is sawed on a tension area, the release of stress may cause damage or even destruction of the diamond.

The Tension Viewer add-on (in the foreground), shown next to a rough scanning machine from the DiaExpert family.

Tension mapping is advanced technology that scans a rough diamond and displays the tension inside the stone. This allows the planner to know where the tension is located in the rough diamond, and to define the intensity of the tension in the various areas.

For diamond planners and manufacturers, identifying internal tension is a key factor in mitigating the financial and operational risk of rough diamond sawing. This is done with the Tension Viewer for tension mapping, a new add-on device to Sarine’s DiaExpert® and Advisor® rough planning system.

To find out more, contact our sales reps.

Sarine Tension Viewer